Friday, October 7, 2011

DLSBS-"Building Faith in Education"

Paul wearing war bonnet
Today is the last day we will be spending with the Blackfeet children. Saying goodbye is definitely going to be  difficult. Although we have only spent one week helping the kids, I got to know all of them very well. Many of  these kids are dealing with serious problems yet they are able to stay seemingly carefree. Partially, this is due to the loving teachers that the De La Salle Blackfeet School (DLSBS) has surrounded the kids with. I have so much respect for all the teachers working here. They are making a great sacrifice by dedicating their time to these children and teaching in a loving manner.

When these kids graduate from DLSBS and go to Browning High School, they excel in their classes. Brother Paul told us that nine of the top ten kids of Browning High School's class of 2011 came from De La Salle. Clearly DLSBS is making a huge difference in the Browning community. These kids are not only learning the valuable skills necessary for high school but they are learning to respect themselves which is a serious problem in the Native American community. DLSBS is doing a great job helping the students deal with the major issues of self worth as well as the temptations of drugs and alcohol. I genuinely believe all these kids can become successful wherever life takes them. There's no doubt that DLSBS is working miracles here in Browning, Montana.

P. Brahan '13