Friday, October 7, 2011

Blackfeet Spirituality

Aaron Raey in deep thought
Yesterday I had the opportunity to go on the 4th grade's fieldtrip to Choteu, where there are many sacred Indian sites. On the hour and a half drive I had the privalege to talk with Miss Darnell, an Indian traditionalist whose job it is to remember all of the history and stories of her people.  After we visited the various historical sites, she would tell me more about the sites, and sometimes correct the less knowledgeable tourguide.

The first site that we visited was the Old North Trail. This trail was traveled by the Blackfeet Indians for thousands of years and extends from South America all the way through Alaska. We were able to visit one of the stone markers on the trail, and saw the trail extending across the fields and over the hills. So many indians had walked the trail and packed the soil so hard that tractors are unable to plow through it. The Indians believed that they have been walking this trail forever, literally. The Blackfeet believe in an infinite existence, that they have always been here living in the same land, doing the same rituals. According to Miss Darnell, the Blackfeet believe that they are the source of all peoples, and that they will one day be rulers of the entire world. The Blackfeet are one of only a few Indian tribes still on their native lands, although these lands have been significantly decreased. Before Columbus, the Blackfeet lands ranged all throughout middle America and into Canada, butting up against the Rockies in the West.

Students on their way to the vision site
They believe that they were place here by the Creator and given these lands to tend and protect. Miss Darnell said that like in the Biblical story of Cain and Abel, one Indian left his homeland and began the rest of the nations with other lesser beings. They believe that they are the source of all peoples, they will one day be the conquerers and rulers of the world. The Blackfeet Indians were originally four bands, but now only the South Piegan bands remains on the reservation.

The next site we visited was a fasting and vision site. It was a hill in the middle of a field that the Indians used to come to fast on for several days, hoping to receive a vision. On top of the hill there was a pile of larger stones which they used as an alter. The visions which they received were for direction, and often came through an animal. The Blackfeet fully believe that they can commune with the other side, and that they can talk with each other across great distances through dreams. The sacredness of the hill comes from the spirits who live on that hill.

As we moved throughout the sacred sites on Choteu, Miss Darnell expressed great pride in her people's history and tradition, as well as a sadness about their current state. She was truly proud to be an Indian, proud of the Indian's ability to speak with spirits, proud of their heritage, and hopeful for their future.

A. Raey '13