Friday, October 5, 2012

Getting Better

The DLSBS immersion trip has been an amazing, eye opening experience for all of us. I have had the great opportunity to work with the 5th graders at the school. On the first day, they were extremely wild, they refused to sit down or do any work, and I think they were a little suspicious of Nick and I. The first few days were frustrating because they just refused to listen. However, as the week progressed, the kids realized that we were here for one reason only - to help them. Once they realized that, it became much easier to reach them.

I bonded with one student in particular all week. She made an impression on the first day because while everyone else was jumping around being crazy, she sat and worked hard all week. Her personality is one that draws you to her because she was always nice and respectful. We bonded so much through the week that today, she called me her big brother. She told me about what's going on in her life, and I was amazed at how mature she was for being so young. I've tried to have an impact and form a bond with every kid, but this student in particular had a great impact on me.

Celebrating Community Heritage
When we first arrived in Browning, I missed the luxuries of everyday life: my phone, the Internet, my music,etc. However as the week went on, I started to realize how important our efforts are to these kids and how I didn't miss those luxuries as much. I realized how we can truly make a difference in their lives, and I started to really care about them. It's going to be extremely hard to leave them, but I consider myself to be very lucky to have met them. I feel that getting to spend just a week with them and getting to know them during that time has made me a better person.

Conner Pasquarelli '14