Friday, October 5, 2012

A Special Place

As we began this experience at DLSBS five days ago, Brother Ray told us, "You may not realize it now, but there is something special about this place and by the end of this week you will come to love this place." As I sat there listening, I thought to myself how could anyone come to love a place afflicted by by poverty, unemployment, drugs and alcohol. However, when I met the students of my class on Monday morning, I realized exactly why everyone was willing to make profound sacrifices.

Zach Javorsky '13
As the children came in that first morning, I began to see where Brother Ray was coming from. They were ambitious and willing to try to do the classroom assignments. As I worked with them, I began to see they were all very intelligent. They simply lacked some basic skills. This lack of skills made them get a lot of answers wrong, and this gets the students down on themselves. The teachers, who are mainly volunteers, were wonderful at giving the kids instruction and rebuilding the confidence that had been harmed. I got the impression from the kids that this motivation was rare on the reservation, and they cherished even the smallest compliments. I tried to give them compliments throughout the week, and I soon saw my bond with the children grew exponentially.

As I prepare to spend my finial day with the children I see why DLSBS is such an amazing place and why so many people are willing to work countless hours to ensure the students succeed. The needs of the children surpasses any of the concerns that I had coming in and all the negatives on the reservation. The children are a bright spot in a dark place. They are the sole reason that we come on these immersion trips and their personalities and friendliness are why we take a personal interest in their success.The immersion experience has made me a better person, one more willing to accept people for who they are. Now I am more able to focus on the good in people and not the bad. This experience in the shadows of the scenic Montana mountains has changed my life forever and it will not soon be forgotten.

Purple Mountain Majesty

Zach Javorsky '14