Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Gaining Perspective

Our after school speaker, Harry Barnes
Harry Barnes, a businessman on the Rez, met with us to discuss the importance of the De La Salle Blackfeet School (DLSBS). He explained to us how the children go on to help the community by bringing more money into the Browning economy. Although he taught us about many different parts of the Blackfeet community, the most important lesson I learned during the discussion dealt with how to approach the children's struggles during the school day. He illustrated to us some of the many difficulties the students have to face outside of DLSBS. Mr. Barnes explained to me that the students have many more serious things to worry about than doing well in school.

The children of DLSBS have to deal with many problems that I could not imagine dealing with at any point during my life. Some of the students come from broken homes, and others face a daily temptation of drugs and alcohol. I know that I have trouble being productive when someone is talking to me; how they can get any work done in some of the situations they are put in is a mystery to me. Many of the children have begun to open up to me. They have told me some of the struggles that they have to face everyday. It is unbelievable that in the face of adversity, these kids can still learn and excel. I admire them for the courage they show day in and day out.
A.J. at work
Harry Barnes has really opened my eyes to the difficulties the kids face. These unique distractions that the students have to deal with break my heart, yet with every school day comes a classroom full of smiles and laughs. These kids are some of the most special people I have ever met. Everyone should strive to face their problems in the way that the children do. If I faced challenges like they do, my life and the lives of my friends and family would be much happier. The De La Salle Blackfeet School students have definitely taught me more than I could ever teach them.

A.J. Nestler '13