Monday, September 30, 2013

From East to West

To my friends and family in Pittsburgh, my classmates at Central Catholic, and my colleagues at Our Lady of Loreto Church:

Upon our arrival in Browning, Montana yesterday, I couldn't help recalling the lines of Eucharistic Prayer III prior to the revision of the Roman Missal. The text read "From east to west, a perfect offering can be made." While I am clearly taking a literal approach to this spiritual text, I believe that it accurately describes our work and the mission of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

We arrived in Browning yesterday after a long day of traveling. Brother Ray picked us up from the train station and drove us to De La Salle Blackfeet School, our workplace for the next week. Immediately upon entering the school, I noticed that the spirit of our patron saint, Saint John Baptist De La Salle, was present through pictures, symbols, and quotes along the walls. Each room contained a crucifix, the school's logo, and the prayer of the Brothers, "Live Jesus in our hearts, Forever!", the same words we recite daily at Central Catholic High School and every Thursday in my CCD class.

I was pleasantly surprised to see a strong Catholic identity in the schools atmosphere, making it a welcoming environment to for me to enter and work. My positive first impression was reinforced this morning at the morning assembly, when a young girl ecstatically announced to her friends that an immersion group is here, making us feel even more welcome. I personally felt at home when each student recited the morning prayer, and concluded with the words I am so used to. I realized that from East to West, we are all called to do the same work, to live positive and fruitful lives on Earth, and to always remember that we are in the holy presence of God, regardless of our ancestry, state, or timezone.

While my week at De La Salle Blackfeet School has only begun, I believe that our immersion group will have a positive experience working with children who need role models in their lives. My worries about this trip were quickly quelled, and I am very confident about my work this week, knowing that from East to West a perfect offering can be made to God through our work and experiences. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!

Joseph Rogers '14