Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Community Life

Community Life is another aspect of our Immersion Program. Knowing we would be living in close quarters in the bunkhouse, we prepared ourselves to cooperate with one another. Friendships were made starting in the airport. Ryan had a great idea to bring us all together. All of us spread out in the Spokane Airport and lip-synched "Call Me Maybe" for his video camera. We all laughed and had a good time. By the time we got to the bunkhouse the next morning, everyone smelled funky and were exhausted. However, we conjured up enough energy to take a journey to the buffalo jumps down the road. We walked as team so we could bond and become like brothers.


Another way we build community is over our meals. Sunday evening, we had some delicious beefy mac and cheese made by Brother Dale and the Lasallian Volunteers community, but for the rest of the week, two students pair up to prepare dinner. On Monday, Tom and Zach made some pasta and chicken for us. Tuesday's dinner was made by JD and Greg. Their pierogi pizza and the Nutella crepes were phenomenal.

Zach Javosky Chopping Chicken

At the Mission property, three Lasallian Volunteers (LV) - Amy, John and Aurora - and two Christian Brothers live in community on the property and are great hosts for us. On Monday night, Amy and a couple of us played a game outside called "ninja" for about an hour. John Joyce '08 is the second CCHS alum to serve as an LV. He and Amy spent some time last night discussing the LV program and what they've gained from their experience thus far.

John Joyce '08

We all have formed bonds with each other on this trip through our experiences at the school and our community life at the Mission.




Matt Stalter '14

Sam, Ryan, Matt and Nick