Monday, October 3, 2011

Our First Day at School

The trip out here was long but the sights from the airplane and train were incredible. That alone was worth the trip. Today, we got down to business in the school. I was assigned to the 8th grade with Mike DuPlessis. The kids are nice and welcoming, along with the school staff and Christian Brothers. The kids were genuinely interested in our own stories and were very conversational.
We started with a school assembly then went to the class. Mike and I had Religion, Math, English, and Social Studies before lunch. After lunch, we had Science, Reading, and Gym. I was impressed by the connections that the kids made between the Mayan ruins and the ruins described in Lewis' Prince Caspian. Throughout the day, we also spent some time talking to Mr. Garces, the 8th grade teacher, about the education and life on the reservation. After our conversation, we helped pick up water jugs for the school, then participated in the different club activities at the end of the day.

Overall the day was successful. I'm looking forward to experiencing the rest of the week and getting to know these kids.  Hopefully, in the days to come, I'll be able to give them some perspective of my own life and goals.

W. Kondrich '12